In honor of the passed Hallmark holiday, I will give you a step-by-step way to make a mini-mosaic homemade card.
Needed materials: heavy card stock (or a cereal box), drawing paper (or any heavy paper), two sided tape, school glue, old magazines.

To start off: cut the card from the cereal box, draw out the outline then cut it out. Once you have your basic card shape, use double side tape or glue to hold a piece of heavy paper inside, this will give you a nice clean surface to write your note on (it also covers up the ink if using a cereal box).

Next: Cut the spare paper off and square your card. Now is you chance to trace out the design or shape for the cover of the card.

Now for the fun part: go through old magaizes that you have laying around and cut out sections of whatever colors you will need. For this card, I chose red and pink, so as i flipped through the pages I cut out sections of red and pink.
*TIP*: do not just use the same shade of a color, mix darks and lights and different patterns.
Once you have gathered these color segments, cut them into small pieces, roughly 1/4 inch, they do not have to be squares, make whatever shapes you want making sure they have straight edges (curves are hard to work with).

Mix a little bit of water in a bowl with glue. Make sure there is more glue than water. Using your fingers or a brush, paint the card with the gluey mix and place your colored pieces to the card. It is easier if you work from the edges in, outline your shape and the card boarder first.
The corners will begin to curl up when the pieces are placed in the watery mix; do not panic!! All you have to do is take a little more of the mix and brush over the corners, using your fingers pat down any other corners that are sticking up.

Once you have filled in all of the cover let it dry. Once dry you can brush the mix over the top again to make sure all pieces stay glued down; or, as I like to do, take clear spray paint and spray the card cover. This will seal the card keeping all pieces secured and will add a little bit of shine.
When all has dried- TA-DA- your card is ready for a lovely message!
This is one of my favorite mediums to work with, it is fun, relaxing, and best of all easy and messy! Enjoy!